Kix Layton

Kix Layton

Kix Layton has been a radio personality for over 28 years and was voted Medium Market Music Director of the Year TWICE! Full Bio


5 Things You Should Teach Your Grandkids

Grandfather walking outdoors with grandson in autumn

Photo: Getty Images

If you are a grandparent, like me, you play an extremely important role in the life of your grandchild. You have a wealth of experience and wisdom, so here are five very important things that you should teach your grandchildren:

You are loved, no matter what!

Children need to know that they are loved unconditionally. So take the time to reassure them of your love. Let them hear the words "I love you" often. Show them your love by taking an interest in what they like to do, asking questions, and listening to them carefully.

You can always talk to me.

YOU CAN ALWAYS TALK TO ME: Grandchildren need to know they can come to you at any time to talk or ask for advice, no matter what. This is especially in situations where they may not feel comfortable talking with their parents. So it's important to be willing to listen to them patiently, lovingly, and without judgement at all times. Respect their feelings and privacy. Allow them to come to you on their own terms. Don't lecture or reprimand them when they do come to you. Reassure them of your love and support and understanding.

I'm proud of you!

I'M PROUD OF YOU: Think of yourself as a cheerleader in the life of your grandchildren. Let them know how proud you are, even when they make mistakes. Be there to support and cheer them on, so they can feel good about themselves. Encourage t.hem to try again after failures and always do the right thing.

You can do anything you put your mind to.

YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO: Teach your grandchildren about dreams and possibilities. Show them how to set goals and work towards them. Make sure they know that, with hard work and perseverance, they can be ultimately successful at whatever they want to achieve. Let them know that inevitable failures can be overcome on the path to success.

Let me tell/show/teach you...

You have a lifetime of knowledge and skills you can share with your grandchildren. Spend quality time with them. Kids love to hear stories, so tell them yours. Share your wisdom and guidance, the things you've seen, funny things that happened to you and their parents, people you've known, challenges you have overcome, lessons you've learned, and the problems you've overcome. Kids love to learn so teach them new skills -- how to cook or bake, how to change the oil or a flat tire, how to fix things around the house, how to play chess or cards, how to be a supportive friend, how to fight for what they believe in... the possibilities are endless!

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