Kix Layton

Kix Layton

Kix Layton has been a radio personality for over 28 years and was voted Medium Market Music Director of the Year TWICE! Full Bio


TIP: Bloom Your Coffee

Pour-over coffee

Photo: Patcharanan Worrapatchareeroj / Getty Images

Coffee aficionados are most likely familiar with pour-over coffee. For those who are not, you start by boiling water to the ideal temperature of just between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Then you slowly pour the boiling water over your filter of freshly ground coffee in circles to brew that delicious cup o' joe in the morning.

Here's an extra step you may not know about: blooming your coffee. Taking the time to do this one step will make your coffee taste even better! What is it? According to Serious Eats, it's the process of releasing the carbon dioxide that is in the beans from the roasting process, which prevents the water from fully permeating the grounds and extracting all that delicious coffee flavor.

To bloom, you just need to add enough hot water to your grounds to wet them but not start brewing the coffee (roughly double the amount of grounds). Then wait about 30-45 seconds until you see the surface of the grounds bubbling, which is the carbon dioxide being released. Then continue with the brewing process.

An extra 45 seconds to a deeper, more flavorful cup of coffee! Enjoy!

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