Photo: CatLane
'Tis the season to be thankful! This is the time of year for us to reflect on what’s really important and good in our lives. So here's my list of 10 things I'm grateful for:
- My beautiful wife and all the myriads of ways that she makes my life so much better.
- My amazing children and grandbabies I love so much, who make up the legacy I will leave behind me.
- The good friends I have who are there for me during the good and bad times.
- My job, which not only pays the bills but challenges and fulfills me.
- The roof over my head when so many have none.
- My health, which I have fought hard for.
- The food on my table, particularly the good stuff like fried turkey and mashed potatoes.
- Snow and the way it blankets everything, turning everything into a winter wonderland.
- Children's laughter and the incredible joy it brings.
- Electricity and heat, particularly on these cold days!
And the list goes on and on, but I'll stop here! May you also take the time to reflect on the best parts of your life and the many things you have to be thankful for, as well!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!