Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Red Flags "Uncommon" for Men not dating women

Red Flag Warning Button Concept

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Some behaviors and habits are nearly universal turn-offs when it comes to dating, like bad breath and poor hygiene. But some people have specific dealbreakers that make them not want to date someone. A since-deleted Reddit thread digs into these by asking “What’s an uncommon red flag in a woman?”

These are some of the random red flags Redditors have about women that send them running:

  • "When she says that she feels like she's known me her whole life after two hours. I have found that very untrue every time, and it causes unhealthy expectations."
  • "A woman once introduced herself as, 'Hi I'm [name], and everyone likes me.' I knew immediately she was going to be a problem."
  • "If she names all her plants after ex-boyfriends."
  • "When she says, 'I just know we're meant to have a child together.'"
  • "Hyper-focus on Disney and Mickey Mouse."
  • "My ex-wife told me that if we ever had a daughter, she'd be jealous of the attention I gave her, LMAO."
  • "BIG FAKE FISH LIPS. When I see someone with lip fillers, I almost immediately know this is someone who I am unlikely to have anything in common with."
  • "For both men and women: using a selfie for your phone background or lockscreen."
  • "When everything they talk about is negativity. Nothing positive happens in their life."
  • " When they say 'I don't vote because I'm just not into politics.'"
  • "Says she's a 'people pleaser,' then blames other people for putting herself in a people-pleaser position."
  • "Living for male validation and putting other women down."
  • "When you find the extra-large wedding portrait of her and her ex hidden behind the sofa. That you've been making out on."
  • "Owning a small, yappy white dog."
  • "When she believes in astrology."

Source: BuzzFeed

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