Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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Why they may not be the "one"

Diverse employees argue over financial report in office

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

Society expects people to find a partner to spend their life with, but things don’t always work out. Finding the right person takes effort, including analysing the relationship. It may be uncomfortable, but look for these signs that will tell you they aren’t your person.

  • They disrespect you
  • You're constantly bickering and picking fights
  • You can't envision the future of your relationship
  • You don't feel heard in conversations with them
  • They dismiss your concerns and emotions
  • They never take accountability for their mistakes or actions
  • You frequently catch them in lies
  • You don't talk about your needs or boundaries
  • They were unfaithful or cheated on you

Source: Your Tango

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