Best Meteor Shower Tonight!

Photo: Getty Images

The Geminids Meteor Shower will be active through December 24th, but the best night to see the spectacular light show will be tonight! We should be able to see at least 30-40 meteors per hour. But those who live in darker areas could see up to 120 meteors per hour, according to NASA!

“It is still going to be a good shower, even with the moon,” said Bill Cooke, lead of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office. “Find a decently dark sky, find something that will block the moon, maybe a building or a tree, and look away from the moon at the sky.”

The shower will be best seen during the night and predawn hours. So dress warmly, grab a blanket, and lie on your back facing south. After about half an hour, your eyes will adjust to the dark and you'll be able to see the light show clearly. Enjoy!

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